Peace is not intuitive. Because humans, as we all know, are weird and do not operate by single strands of thought like animal kingdoms. Beyond survival instincts, we demand for so much more. We are all amassing power of various currencies to keep ourselves safe; we are afraid that others might have more and that makes us relatively weak, and in the pursuit of peace and safety, we end up harming more people in the process. Silly, isn't it? And then we try to justify our actions with terms like 'collateral damage'. Strip away all the fancies and reasons, it all boils down to this core. We've all lost ourselves in this game, unable to organize the masses (messes) into a collective co-existing global community. Forgive, don't seek revenge as tempting as it may be, because we're ultimately all the same, we are all looking for the harmony that will come if we start to forgive. Maybe we are all in the midst of maturing and one day there will be no enemies, no boundaries, the only passport will be the heart. The most valuable possession you can own is an open mind... for anyone, yes, anyone at all, and everything will fall into place.
In our world, peace is not intuitive